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Weaving Thoughts, Dancing Memories

Upon the white my memories dance,

Weaving my thoughts into a flurry of scattered emotions,

That slowly begin to tear at me.

With a silver blade in hand,

I dance upon the white.

As I try to hold onto my hope,

The light that forever shines within the darkness.

Though cursed my heart still hopes,

Even as the silver blade is stained red.

All that was once locked away,

Begins to dance upon the white.

Weaving my thoughts into a single one,

While the sadness grasps at my fragile heart.

I dance upon the white,

Lost with the storm my heart,

My memories have created.

Upon the white my memories dance,

Weaving my thoughts into a flurry of scattered emotions,

That slowly begin to tear at me.

With a silver blade in hand,

I dance upon the white.

As I try to hold onto my hope,

The light that forever shines within the darkness.

As I try to free myself,

From the curse that I have made.

The darkness I nearly gave into,

And became.

As my memories dance with the falling white,

My emotions are weaved into a single one.

A hope, a light,

That I have held onto,

Since it all began;

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