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Hold them Close

A spouting seed,

A field of golden wheat,

A meadow of flowers,

A wordless prayer.

Time marches on without care,

Memories remain or are lost,

The white pages become yellow and stained,

As the gears of the clock slowly rust away.

A lone tree,

A leisurely stream,

A gentle breeze,

A soft, loving voice.

To stardust everything shall return,

To start it all anew,

For new life to grow,

Even stars must someday die.

A downpour of rain,

A mountain covered in snow,

A river that leads to the sea,

A desert in bloom,

An ever-growing dream.

Villages become towns,

Towns become cities,

The land changes and shifts,

History is recorded,

As time marches on without care.

A spouting seed,

A field of golden wheat,

A meadow of flowers,

A wordless prayer,

A song without a name.

Do hear my voice,

Do you know my name,

Do you know,

Do you remember?

A sea breeze,

A fallen tree,

A forest full of life,

A burning fire,

A lingering memory.

Buildings rise and fall,

Nature reclaims its land,

Time embraces the lost,

Even as the stars continue to glow.

Tell me,

Ask me,

A wordless prayer,

Hear me,

Know me,

A soft, loving voice,


Hold them close,

An ever-growing dream,

A song without a name,

Do hear my voice,

Do you know my name,

A lingering memory,

Don’t let time allow it all to slip away.

A spouting seed,

A field of golden wheat,

A meadow of flowers,

Time marches on without care,

The white pages become yellow and stained,

To stardust everything shall return,

To start it all anew,

For new life to grow,

Even stars must someday die,

Hold them close,

And be reborn,

Don’t allow me to take away the time you have,

With those you love.

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