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Sparks Light the Fire

Before the bonfire,

Beneath a canopy of branches,

Flowers bloom within the sky,

Drums are the thunder,

Gunpowder fills the air,

Drops of fading rain,

The wind are voices,

Echoing through the earth.

Darkness glows,

Sparks light the fire,

Burning, dancing,

Lanterns made of embers,

Drift and fall like leaves.

Rusted metal red with time,

Breaks and turns to dust.

Ticking clock,

Broken glass,

Before the bonfire,

Drifting, rising,


Flowers bloom within the sky,

Drums are the thunder,

Gunpowder fills the air,

A reflection of the stars,

Drops of fading rain,

The howling wind,

Voices echo through the earth.

Glowing darkness,

A canopy of branches,

Sparks light the fire,

Burning, dancing,

Lanterns are embers,

Rust the leaves,

Glass as dew drops.

Dancing, falling,

Drifting, rising,


Trees become a bed,

Of blooming seeds.

Untilled earth cracks,

Sand falls,

Lanterns made of embers,

Drift and fall like leaves,

Drops of fading rain,

The wind are voices.

Before the bonfire,

Sparks light the fire,

Burning, dancing,

Flowers bloom within the sky,

Drums are the thunder,

Dancing, falling,

Drifting, rising,


Darkness glows,

Gunpowder fills the air,

Beneath a canopy of branches,

Seeds spread,

A reflection of the stars.

Rusted metal red with time,

Breaks and turns to dust.

Ticking clock,

Broken glass,

Drops of fading rain,

The howling wind,

Voices echo through the earth.

Dancing, falling,

Drifting, rising,


Sparks light the fire;

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