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Original Characters

Here you can check out all of my characters that I'm up for sharing.

Destiny Guardian/OCs
Artwork 291 (4) 5.png

Name: Myosotis

Nicknames: Myo, Little Blue, [Redacted]

Age: 490 - 514 (Roughly)
Gender: Female

Height: 5.6 ft.
Birth Date: Unknown
Species: Human
Class: Hunter
Subclass: Mainly Stasis, Solar second

Other/Trivia: Most of her right leg is replaced with a cybernetic one


Name: Oenothera

Nicknames: Oeno, Primrose, Light,
Gender:  Identifies as  Female

Artwork 291 (14)_edited.png

Description: WIP cause I have yet to write one

For my character's story, click here

Myo: "I'm not gonna wear any frilly dress." 
Random: "Okay. Having fun though?" 
Myo: "I lost a f*@&ing bet. So no."

Cafe background art by Kristen Turro

Alou Lupus
Artwork 285 16 bit.png

A character for an old idea of mine.

Below is the old art or the original art I did.

One day I do hope to use this character in a different thing

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