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“A broken glass star, I silently weave words & thoughts till I return to stardust.”
Vtuber Lore & Info

Within the vast eternal void of space, stars are born from a cycle of creation and destruction for untold eons. Objects without thought or emotions, soulless. Or so it may seem.

Within an overgrown ruin in a world forever cast in starlit twilight, from stardust came a star with a glass form, cracked and broken, left to wander and watch countless worlds as their stories unfold, all while weaving words and thoughts onto paper.

Name: Lastelle

Birth Date: Autumn/Fall

Age: Unknown

Height: 5. 4 ft

Gender: Female

Species/Race: Human? Living Glass?

Appearance: (For reference, since I have yet to do a full drawing)


Hair Color/Length/Type/Style: Hair is thick, wavy, and slightly messy. The front is long and reaches past the shoulders, while the back is short and only covers the neck.

The primary hair color is a dark brown with natural lighter brown highlights, while the front of the hair gradually shifts from brown to a dark blue highlight.

(Hairstyle is based on the hairstyle of Therru from the Tales from Earthsea film)

Eye Color/Type: The eye color is less vibrate/dull dark and sapphire blue. Depending on the light, other blues, greens, and grey can sometimes be seen and mixed.


Face/Skin: Has pale light skin and a youthful (17 - 24) looking face. All over the body, parts of the skin appear as cracked glass with pieces sometimes missing.


Scars: Has a tiny scar below the nose and above the lip on the left. Which isn’t noticeable unless close to the face, while other scars look like cracking or breaking glass.


Clothing: Wears a simple midnight blue sleeveless hooded shirt with an open back, an asymmetrical skirt of the same color held up with a black sash-like belt, and black shorts. On the arms are black fingerless gloves that reach below the shoulders and black leg coverings that go above the knee while the toes and heels are exposed.


Accessories: Has a simple dark blue choker necklace with an opal four-pointed star and a sapphire teardrop charm. The earrings are a four-pointed opal star with a sapphire teardrop.

Scent/Perfume (Whichever): Tends to smell like peppermint, pine, and old books.

Fun Facts & Info:

Likes: Pumpkin pie, Cookies, Learning, Reading, Art, Myths, Legends, Fiction, Sleeping in, Making stuff (art mostly), Nature, Trees, Flowers, Snow, Winter, Summer, Thunderstorms, Strawberries, Peaches, Cheesecake, Crystals, Birds, Movies, Animation, Lizards and snakes, Metallic or glittery things, Color, Things that interest her, Small crowds, To have fun,

Favorites/Loves: Peppermint, Music, Daydreaming, Strawberry Lemonade, Hot cocoa, Coffee, Drawing, Singing, Stories, Dragons, Star gazing, Stars, Outer space, Writing, Sweets and Pastries, Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream, Potatoes, Bacon, Animals (Mostly cats and dogs), Books, Video Games, Forget-Me-Not flowers, Evergreen/Pine Trees,


Dislikes: Hot summers, Spiders (hates them),  Large crowds, Very loud places, Cities, Things that bore her,

Anything else is still a work in progress

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