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As sad fates intertwine, bonds unbroken are made.

Wings of paper float on the wind as they fly away from sight.

Within the sky, the stars form pictures that catch our imaginations.

As tomorrow comes, two hands hold.

In yesterday's fading light, memories begin to bloom.

In your hands, are seeds of the future.

As sad fates meet, tears and smiles come and go.

Like the seasons, like the clouds above.

Your paper wings, are like a blank canvas.

A piece of paper to send our dreams and wishes on.

As sad fates intertwine, hearts become one.

As they meet bonds unbroken are made as tears and smiles come and go.

If we should meet again, then not all is sad.

If we cannot meet once again, if we say goodbye.

I hope we meet again, in another life.

As our sad fates intertwine.

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