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As the countdown starts, I see your smiling face.

Blasting off into the endless sky, you go.

So hopeful, you’re filled with aspirations and wishes.

Nothing deters you; your fear is just an ember.

Till it all begins to fall apart.

On every starlit night, you brought me to gaze upon the millions, the billions, the uncountable number of lights.

Always softly speaking to me, gently holding me close.

As you bestowed your dreams onto me,

As we spoke aloud, our intertwined desires.

Like a pair of binary stars, nothing can pull us apart.

Even if black holes and supernovas materialize,

And galaxies fly apart.

Gravity ties us together.

Blasting off into the endless sky, you go.

So hopeful, you’re filled with aspirations and wishes.

Nothing deters you; your emotions are just an ember.

Till it all begins to fall apart.

Burning bright, the flame ignites.

The chemicals react and dance.

I know, you knew,

That defying gravity meant possibly losing our dreams.

Your falling, I’m falling.

Caught in orbit, all I see is the endless space above.

Constellations connect the sky,

As branches of the galaxy wrap around the planet.

Ghosts dot the sky; dark matter dances in light’s shadow.

Atoms form, Hydrogen and Helium react.

Stars implode and burst,

Stardust flies into the void to start again.

As the countdown starts, I see your smiling face.

Blasting off into the endless sky, you go.

So hopeful, you’re filled with aspirations and wishes.

Our love is just an ember,

Till it repeats all over again.

Blue and red, yellow and white,

The in-between orange,

Stars sparkle and shine in all their forms.

Even as the elements burn and consume.

Always softly speaking to me, gently holding me close.

As you bestowed your dreams onto me,

As we spoke aloud, our intertwined desires.

Burning bright, the flame ignites.

The chemicals react and dance.

I know, you knew,

That defying gravity meant possibly starting over again.

Neutron and dwarf stars emerge from the cold void.

Comets and asteroids fly across the sky.

Golden dust, Oxygen and Iron, Sulfur and Calcium,

Freely dance in the solar winds.

Interstellar cradles of dust gently glow,

Enveloping us in life-giving warmth.

As the countdown starts, I see your smiling face.

Blasting off into the endless sky, you go.

So hopeful, you’re filled with aspirations and wishes.

Our love is just an ember,

Till it sparkles and ignites into a blazing light.

Even if black holes and supernovas materialize,

And galaxies fly apart.

Like a pair of binary stars, gravity ties us together,

Dying and reforming, the story begins anew.

Even in death and rebirth,

Our love is forever eternal;

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