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Chasing Memories

Memories fill my mind,

Emotions fill my heart,

As I wish for just a moment,

To be a child once more.

To hold your hands with those of a child,

To see the world through innocent eyes,

And be held in your arms once more.

Why can’t I, for a moment,

Halt the hands of time?

Why aren’t you here with me?

I’m still here,

I’m still here to live.

A broken heart,

A broken star of glass.

Even if everyone else goes,

I hope to endure the fire,

Even if everything is left broken and scarred,

Here I hope to stay,

Strong and brave for you,

Till I reach the end,

That final chapter.

Memories fill my mind,

Emotions fill my heart,

As I wish for just a moment,

To be a child once more.

To laugh with you as you lift me up,

And show me the joys of life.

I once thought,

I once wished,

That we would never have to say goodbye.

I once dreamed of a day,

When you would be the one to let me go,

When you two would dance together with me,

And see me grow.

Now I wander other worlds,

As I dream of what could have been,

As I dream to forget the pain.

Yet I know,

There is still so much to experience,

So much to see and hear,

I’m still here,

Here to live.

I can’t halt the hands of time,

So all I can do is watch seeds grow,

See metal rust and flowers bloom,

As stars shine and die,

And watch the world before me change,

Wishing that you were here.

Memories fill my mind,

Emotions fill my heart,

As I wish for just a moment,

To be a child once more.

To forget all the worries,

And simply let the days go by,

Smiling all the while.

Now I Long for a warmth I may never have,

A fragile wish.

Why can’t I, for a moment,

Halt the hands of time?

Why aren’t you here with me?

I’m still here,

I’m still here to live.

I close my tired eyes,

When tears threaten to drown the light,

When it all becomes too much to bear,

Because I am delicate patched glass.

Yet for you, I’ll endure it all,

The pain and grief,

I’ll be indomitable,

In spirit and heart.

I’m still to live.

And here I hope I stay,

Even if everyone else runs away.

Even as memories fill my mind,

Emotions fill my heart,

As I wish for just a moment,

To be a child once more.

To hold your hands with those of a child,

To see the world through innocent eyes,

And be held in your arms once more.

Why can’t I, for a moment,

Halt the hands of time?

Why aren’t you here with me?

To laugh with you as you lift me up,

And show me the joys of life.

To forget all the worries,

And simply let the days go by,

Smiling all the while,

With the heart of a child.

I’m still here,

A broken star of glass,

Chasing those memories,

Fighting to keep them close,

To never forget,

Till the final chapter,

When I can finally tell you,

I lived, and I never forgot,

Just how much you love me

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