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A Spark of Flame, A Drop of Rain

A spark of flame, a drop of rain.

Both destroy and create.

A breath of wind, a bit of earth.

The seeds of the future, will soon take root.

As the stars above, endlessly watch.

The forever changing world.

Time and fate, take and bless.

The many lives, that walk upon the earth.

Ruins of forgotten times, are now a memory.

Towers of stone, stand alone.

Homes of wood, glow with warmth.

Protect what lies within, from the raging storm.

A breath of wind, a spark of flame.

Burn away the old.

A drop of rain, a bit of earth.

Brings something new into the world.

Far away, lie the remains of those who rest upon metal and stone.

Close by the laughs of children, as they play.

The moon rises and the sun falls, many fall into dreams.

As others walk beneath the moon.

Darkness soon becomes light.

And the stars fade away, hidden by the light of the sun.

A farewell, a hello.

A beginning and an end.

The journey is unknown, will reveal the path.

That brings you to what you seek.

A spark of flame, a bit of earth.

Make a warm gentle light.

A breath of wind, a drop of rain.

Make the path harder to find.

Time and fate, take and bless.

The moon brings dreams, as the sun sets them to rest.

In the twilight, darkness and light become one.

A spark of flame, a drop of rain.

A breath of wind, a bit of earth.

Destroy and create.

As the stars above, watch eternally.

A world of change.

A forever changing world.

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