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Entangling, enchanting,

Broken and beautiful,

Glass flowers bloom and shatter.

Tiny fragments like thorns,

Peirce skin and draw red.

Pieces form constellations with crimson threads,

Burning fiery red till it snaps.

Falling, falling,

Entangling, enchanting,

Broken and beautiful,

Is that the future?

The flower of my dreams blooms,

Till the colors become cold.

Dancing, intertwining,


The mirror reflects the truth,

My colorless, hopeless self,

Fate’s choice for me.

Broken and beautiful,

Glass flowers bloom and shatter.

Tiny fragments like thorns,

Peirce skin and draw red.

Pieces form false constellations with crimson threads,

Burning fiery red till it snaps and falls.

Entangling, enchanting,

What lies beyond,

What colors can I weave into the sky?

Dancing, intertwining,


I strangled my hopeless self,

Piercing the mirror with crimson threads,

The colorless flower of my dreams blooms,

From the ruins of fallen stars,

Fate is mine to weave.

Entangling, enchanting,

Dancing, intertwining,

Distorting, forming,

Broken and beautiful,

Glass flowers bloom.

False constellations shatter,

Pieces form constellations with opal threads,

Painting the void and weaving colors into the sky.

Is that the future?

The flower of my dreams blooms,

Colorless till fragments pierce my skin,

Entangling, enchanting,

The mirror reflects the truth,

My truth.

This fate is mine to create;

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