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The Changing Path

Autumn leaves fall, surrounding me in colors of red and yellow the colors are bright against the evergreen trees, this path I walk on every day is covered by the fallen leaves. When the sun shines down on this path it’s like a golden light is on the leaves and trees, the cool mornings start getting quiet as the birds and other creatures start getting ready for the coming winter.

Winter snow falls all around me blanketing the world in white it’s like a dream to me this time of the year makes the world seems like it’s asleep and waiting for warm sunlight. I leave my footprints in the snow but then they disappear when the snow falls again; when the warm sun shines again the world wakes up and the dream is over.

Flowers bloom, grass starts to grow again the cherry blossoms bloom, their petals fall covering the path in pink their softness and smell seem to make me smile but the falling petals make me feel a bit sad but there beauty comes back every year. The world around me is filled with so much new life and color; the bird’s songs make everything seem alive as I see newborn animals I smile a big smile but I always wish for the cherry blossoms to stay forever.

The summer sun is hot in the middle of the day a cool breeze comes by sometimes, the cherry trees are green with cherries on their branches. The days are long with warm nights perfect for looking at the night sky, except during summer storms when thunder and lightning with their loud sounds and bright flashes of light in the sky the stars are hidden behind the clouds. When it rains the world is gray but when it stops the air feels cool and fresh butterflies and humming birds come out to the fields of flowers; the water is perfect to swim in on the hot days people come together to have fun during the cool evenings. Fields of grass have turned yellow and they shine golden in the sun on the hills it looks like a sea of grass in the wind as the clouds pass overhead they leave shadows on the ground below I walk on the same path everyday but now it takes me to the sea of grass on the hills to a place where one tree stands on a hill, I go there to see the stars, to swing on the swing, and to dream away.

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